• Di Acaster - Executive Officer

    Di first went to Moldova in 2009 in partnership with Christ the King Church in Kettering when she visited the Moldova Charity Mission’s summer camp for children with disabilities and their families. She has been involved in Breadline since 2012 when she became a trustee.

  • Ian Hames - Chairman

    Ian attends Christ the King Church in Kettering. He became a Trustee in 2010 and has strong links with the Moldova Charity Mission for the Disabled.

  • Rachel Samways - Treasurer

    Trustee since 2017. Part qualified accountant of many years experience. Rachel runs her own business and is a member of St Botolph’s Church, Barton Seagrave, Kettering.

  • Carol Feben - Trustee

    Trustee since 2018. Carol goes to Christ the King Church in Kettering where she was a PCC member and played in th band. She is a retired teacher. She has links with the Moldova Charity Mission for the Disabled and has helped at summer camps in Moldova. Her main interest for Breadline is in Dancu with the dairy farm and cheese making.

  • Sarah Kenney - Secretary

    Trustee since 2019. Sarah is a primary school teacher and part time church employee. She has been to Moldova several times helping with summer camps. Sarah attends Freedom Church Liverpool where she is on the staff team.

  • Esther Kenney - Trustee

    Trustee since 2019. Esther is a recent university graduate studying international development. She has been to Moldova several times helping with summer camps, and had an extended stay in 2018. Esther attends St Thomas Norwich.

  • Phil Lanyon - Trustee

    Trustee since 2019. Phil is also a primary school teacher and part time church employee. He has been to Moldova several times helping with summer camps. Phil attends Freedom Church Liverpool where he is on the staff team.