Poganesti Baptist Church

Poganesti is a village five miles from Dancu where there is 95% unemployment, resulting in 15% of its population migrating to other countries in search of work. It has a small Baptist church attended by 15 - 20 people, led by Pastor Victor Cirjan. He attended the Grace Bible School run by the Mobile Training Team (see Tabita), and was one of the first students to graduate and be ordained in 2018. However, he has been serving the village since 2000 with support from his wife, Nina.

The main outreach ministry from Poganesti Baptist Church is youth work, headed up by Pastor Victor's daughter, Vica Sirghi, and her husband Slavic.  They run a youth club each weekend attended by 12 young people. In addition they organise summer camps and other special events at Christmas and Easter when they can have up to 100 children and young people. They also deliver food parcels to the most vulnerable families in the village, and distribute humanitarian aid received by Dancu Church from Charity Partners, Mission Moldova from the UK https://www.moldovaware.co.uk