Centre for Legal Assistance for People with Disabilities (CLAPD)
CLAPD (Consultant Juridic) was founded in 2006. Location: Capital Chisinau. Executive director: Vitalie Mester. They have been our partner since June 2007. Their mission is to advocate for people with disabilities and their carers by providing free legal assistance, advising the government on policy change to promote people’s rights and inclusion into society, and to assist workplaces to make reasonable adjustments to include people with disabilities.
CLAPD produces and circulates special audio journals for the visually impaired. Many of its potential 9000 readers are scattered throughout remote rural areas where facilities for the blind are virtually non-existent. In 2010 CLAPD played a central role in persuading the Government in Moldova to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. We are grateful for the close relationship we have with this charity, and for their willingness to share advice with us in relation to those we support in other parts of Moldova.